Environment and Society
Operating responsibly and with far-sightedness: CARCANO feels deeply about its own impact on the local environment and on the world in general. Here’s what we do to live in harmony with our surroundings
Responsibility according to CARCANO
Every company has precise responsibilities: towards those who work there or provide their cooperation, towards the areas in which it operates, towards its customers and product users and towards the environment in its widest possible sense. This is why Responsibility is a concept that we explore in all its many facets.
Reducing emissions as far as possible
When it comes to Environmental Sustainability, the first objective is to reduce pollution and waste at the source: this is why we have introduced a number of measures aimed at minimising company emissions. One example? Air conditioning in the offices, in terms of heating and cooling, is run entirely by exploiting the cooling circuits in the production department
Environmental Certification
CARCANO has been awarded 14001 environmental certification, demonstrating its ability to maintain control over its activities’ impact on the environment and confirming its precise commitment towards ongoing improvements.
Solar panels
The first solar panels were installed by CARCANO as early as 2011, but we intend to do even better: our project to increase the share of sustainable energy we produce in-house is just on the horizon and will soon become a reality.
Mammoth job of digitisation
Doing things digitally is not just about tidying up documentation and making it more easily traceable and shareable all over the world: it also means saving tons of paper every year. As always, the most sustainable impact is one not involving production.
Environment, society, workers: our commitment
CARCANO’s commitment to Sustainability does not stop here: it involves a range of different elements from eco-sustainable packaging to the use of solar panels, actions to reduce to a minimum the impact of the company’s physical presence, the creation of street furniture for the community, a code of ethics for workers and careful supply chain selection – every action we take responds to precise social, environmental, ethical and safety criteria
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The world of lifting systems and devices for personal protection and safety is a world that is always developing: here’s our contribution to keep you up-to-date at all times.